Matrimony is the Sacrament by which a baptized man and a baptized woman bind themselves for life in marriage and receive the grace to transform ordinary marriages into life-giving families.
Those preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage must make arrangements with the pastor at least six months before the wedding date. One party must be a parish member in good standing. The purpose of these six months is so that adequate preparation can take place for this most important event in a person's life. Please call the parish office at 608-752-8708 to request a date or to schedule a meeting with the pastor.
To learn more about the Sacrament of Marriage, see the following resources:
Marriage Preparation Information, Diocese of Madison
Matrimony, USCCB
Marriage Preparation Information, USCCB
For Your Marriage, USCCB
The Sacrament of Matrimony, Catechism of the Catholic Church