We give thanks for your faith, generosity, and commitment to St. John Vianney Parish. We are grateful to God for all of you God has entrusted to us as parishioners. Your faith, love, and charity continue to be the foundation upon which our parish flourishes. We cannot do what we do here at SJV without your unfailing support.
Our Finance Council works closely with the Pastor/ Pastoral Administrator to oversee the parish and school finances and give advice in those matters. It is our duty to keep you informed as to the financial status of the parish. Please follow this link to our 2022-23 SJV Stewardship Report.
If you have questions or comments regarding this report, please feel free to contact our Finance Council officers: Patrick McDonald, Chair, at 608-756-2000, Phil Galassie, Vice-Chair, at 608-756-4846, or Jeanne Vogt, SJV parish business administrator, 608-752-8708.